3 Things You Must Do While TTC:

Hi Beauties! I hope you're doing well! If you've read my recent blog post about the 3 Things You Should Avoid While TTC, then you're probably wondering what you SHOULD be doing to boost your chances of conceiving this cycle. 

Well, look no further! Today I'll be sharing my top 3 things you should be doing right now to secure your BFP (big fat positive) this cycle. Let's jump right in!

1. Track your cycle

How do you track your cycle? Thankfully, in 2018 tracking your cycle is rather easy! Just choose your favorite fertility tracker (check out this blog to see some of my favorites), enter your data, & voila! You can track your cycle just by entering the dates of your menstrual cycle & average length of the cycle OR you can add even more data by tracking your basal body temperature. Tracking your cycle via temping or charting is the best way to know if/when you are ovulating so you can get your partners sperm in the right place at the right time!

Cautionary tale: for the longest time my fertility tracker was telling me that I was likely to ovulate on the 11th day of my cycle (I have a short cycle...only 24 days) but it turns out that I am actually ovulating on the 14th day of my cycle so temping/ovulation predictor kits are must-haves!

2. Take a prenatal

Prenatal vitamines aren't just for once you become pregnant. In fact, many physicians recommend that women begin taking a prenatal vitamin before they begin trying to conceive to maximize your nutritional stores. Your baby will be using up your nutrients for a minimum of 40 weeks so it is important that you build up your nutrient store before you actually get pregnant. Truth be told, those vitamins are really for you...your baby is kind of like a parasite so they are going to get everything they need out of you which may leave you feeling like utter death. Prenatal vitamins are designed to keep your energy & vitamin levels up. If you'd like to see what prenatal vitamin I take, click here. 

3. Start working towards your health goals now

Pregnancy is not the time to start trying to lose weight, train for a marathon, or start to get your blood sugar under control. You really want to start those healthy habits before you get pregnant so that you can continue those activities throughout your pregnancy. 

When you become pregnant your body's sole focus is going to be on the baby and making sure that it survives gestation. Therefore, you want to put your body is the best position possible to support a healthy pregnancy. That means you should get a physical, manage elevated blood sugar, elevated blood pressure, and any autoimmune/chronic diseases, & lose weight before getting pregnant!

There you have it! My top 3 things that I suggest each & every one of my clients to start doing before & while trying to conceive. If you are looking for some quick and easy steps that you can take right now to boost your chances of conception...start here! 

Good luck & may this cycle be the lucky one!

