3 Things To Avoid While TTC
Maybe you are just dipping your toes in the "Trying to Conceive" world and don't know where/how to start. Well, I'm glad you're here, girlfriend! Pull up a chair, get comfy & let's start with the 3 things that you should absolutely NOT be doing while trying to conceive.
Now, there are obviously more than 3 things to avoid but when coming up with this list I wanted to approach this from a mind-body-spirit perspective. The following 3 things will address your mindset, spirit, and your physical body so keep that in mind as you read on.
3 Things You Should Avoid While TTC:
it is so easy to compare your journey to motherhood to other women in your life. Whether it's your mom, sister, cousin, or your mother in-law's best friend's neice. None of it matters. What matters is that you are doing all that you can to prepare your body for pregnancy and you're making sure that your baby has the best foundation possible.
Alcohol, drugs, & being a couch potato
Ok, I'm just gonna say it, if you have a drug or alcohol problem, pregnancy should be the furthest thing from your mind! Let's try to get your life together and then we can start talking about pregnancy. All jokes aside, if you are like me then you enjoy a nice glass of Cabernet or Merlot after a long day at work (or school). Or maybe you like to partake in a little cannabis on the weekends (or weekdays/weeknights...no judgment!). The point is, all of that has to stop when you are trying to conceive. That glass of wine or blunt isn't good for us anyway and it definitely isn't good for fetal development. So, you might as well make it easier on yourself during pregnancy and say bye bye to the dranks & weed for the time being.
Also, now is the perfect time to get active!! You will want to start being physically active BEFORE you get pregnant so you can continue your activity while you are pregnant. You don't have to go out and train for an Iron Man competition but make a concerted effort to get a certain amount of steps in daily. Your body, waist, & future baby will thank you!
stress kills. Point. Blank. Period. Like I've mentioned before, your body's primary goal in life is survival. If at any moment your body feels like it's survival is being threatened, it will shift its resources away from reproduction and towards survival. Try to adopt some healthy stress management tools like yoga, meditation, journaling, painting, or coloring. Also, do what you can to minimize your stressors. I chose to extend my medical school journey. It was a hard decision to make but one that I needed to make. I can't say that I regret it.
And that, my dear, wraps up this week's show notes! I hope you found these gems helpful & I would love to hear from you! I'd love to know what part of the preconception journey are you most worried or concerned about so that I can find ways to help you through it. It could be losing weight, nutrition, supplementation, etc. Whatever it is, I'd love to hear about it. Just reply to this message to get started.
If you'd like to chat more about your fertility goals & how I can help you reach them, click here to schedule your FREE 15-minute discovery call!