Magnolia Integrative Medicine

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Everything You'll Ever Need to Know About Fertility Trackers

Hey, beauties!! Today I wanted to chat about fertility trackers & how important they are in this fertility journey.

So, let's jump right in!

What in the world Is A Fertility Tracker??:

  • It's an app that keeps track of your cycle & lets you know when to expect your next period & the exact days when you are most fertile!

  • It generally takes 3 months for the algorithm to be it's most accurate

  • Also, peak accuracy does require data entry so you will have to note your moods, symptoms, temperature, cervical mucus, etc.

Why Should I Use One?:

  • To get familiar with your body!

    • There's nothing nasty or gross about your vagina, uterus, menstrual cycle, etc. A regular period is a sign of health & should be celebrated not dreaded (I know, I know...cramps suck! I won't argue with you there)

  • The best part about using a fertility tracker is that it can be used as both birth control AND a way to help with conception!!

    • By knowing when your ovulation window is you can either resist temptation, use a form of barrier contraception (Hey, Trojan!), or find your hubby and bang it out with the hopes of creating your little one! It all depends on what you want, girlfriend!

  • It can be used to help transition off of birth control.

    • It can be hard to anticipate when your period will return when you get off of birth control. By using your fertility tracker you can log your symptoms, spotting, etc. so that you can better pinpoint the start of your next cycle and ovulatory days. It can also be a great way to highlight symptoms that may indicate that there is an underlying issue with your hormones!

Fertility Trackers That I Have Tried (& Hated)

Fertility Friend

  • Honestly, it's rather analog looking. It's like using a computer with Windows 95 on it. It's ugly...there, I said it lol.

  • Not very intuitive

  • Great Cycle Analytics (average length of cycle, length of luteal phase, etc.)


  • It's a bare-bones kind of app. It gives you the basics but you have to manually enter your individualized data. Ain' nobody got time for that!

  • Again, you have manually enter all of your data including your symptoms, moods, temps, etc.

  • Not very intuitive or easy to use

  • Does a great job of tracking a sustained temperature rise which is VERY important if you are trying to conceive

  • The company has a custom thermometer that syncs with your phone so you don't have to remember to log your temps

  • That thermometer is expensive AF!

My Current Favorite Fertility Tracker


  • I freaking love this app!

  • It is GORGEOUS, fun to use, & easy to use

  • You can choose from an extensive list of symptoms, emotions, moods, etc.

  • Great cycle analytics

  • Ranks your daily fertility score from 1.0 to 10.0. 10.0 being the highest

  • No custom thermometer so manual temp logging is required

New Tracker That I'll Be Trying In the Next Few Months:


  • The only Class II medical device used to track ovulation

  • Is 99% accurate

  • Can notify you of ovulation 24 hours IN ADVANCE!

  • Designed for women with PCOS

  • comes with a vaginal sensor that takes your internal temperature overnight while you sleep (game changer!!!)

And, there you have it! My thoughts on fertility trackers, the ones I love & the ones I hate. Let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these trackers that I have mentioned or if you have tried one that I haven’t mentioned. I'd love to hear from you.