Anxiety: An Overview

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. Low levels of anxiety can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. However, anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness and involve excessive fear or anxiety. Anxiety generally refers to anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with symptoms like muscle tension (tight shoulders, jaw, etc.) and avoidance behavior (hey, there fellow procrastinator 🙃).

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Supporting Your Mental Health with Flower Essences 🌺

The beauty of the flower essence is that it opens us up to the particular virtue or character that we need most in our times of discontentment. In other words, the Bach Flower acts as a catalyst, reconnecting our Soul and our personality. The Soul can be “heard’ again by the personality. Where there were disharmony and rigidity, life flows as one again

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5 Foods You Should Be Eating Today to Keep Your Hormones In Balance

Today we'll be talking about the 5 foods you should be eating to keep your hormones in balance. Truth be told, pre-conception is the perfect time to get your hormones in order. Pregnancy will undoubtedly have your hormones in a tailspin so it's important to give your endocrine system a solid foundation before you see the beloved BFP (big fat positive). 

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7 Things Your Bestfriend Wants You to Know About Infertility | #nationalinfertilityawarenessweek

While my personal philosophy is that most people that struggle with infertility are actually sub-fertile and with some adjustments to their health (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.) they are able to restore their fertility and birth a child, I do understand that there are millions of men and women who genuinely struggle with infertility and spend days on end wondering if they will ever be parents. This post is dedicated to all of you!

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